Term 1: Grade 5 Expressive Arts Schemes of Work

Term 1: Grade 5 Expressive Arts Schemes of Work

The Expressive Arts Schemes of Work for Grade 5, Term 1, provide a structured plan to guide teachers in delivering creative, engaging, and outcomes-based lessons. This term focuses on developing learners’ skills in visual arts, music, drama, and movement while fostering self-expression and creativity.

Key Areas of Focus:

  1. Visual Arts:
    • Drawing, coloring, and painting techniques.
    • Exploring patterns, textures, and compositions.
    • Creation of art from everyday materials.
  2. Music:
    • Learning basic rhythm and melody.
    • Exploring traditional and modern musical instruments.
    • Group singing and music appreciation.
  3. Drama:
    • Acting out stories and scenarios.
    • Developing improvisation and storytelling skills.
    • Using facial expressions, body language, and voice projection.
  4. Movement/Dance:
    • Basic choreography and rhythmic movement.
    • Exploration of traditional and contemporary dance styles.
    • Expressing emotions through movement.

Weekly Breakdown:
The term’s schemes of work divide topics into weekly units, emphasizing practical activities, peer collaboration, and use of teaching aids.

  • Week 1-2: Introduction to Visual Arts – Patterns and Textures.
  • Week 3-4: Basics of Rhythm and Melody in Music.
  • Week 5-6: Storytelling and Improvisation in Drama.
  • Week 7-8: Rhythmic Movements and Traditional Dances.
  • Week 9-10: Integration Project – Combining Art Forms.

Teaching Methods and Aids:

  • Interactive demonstrations and group work.
  • Use of materials like crayons, paints, musical instruments, and props.
  • Incorporating multimedia resources for enhanced learning.

By the end of Term 1, learners will:

  • Exhibit improved artistic skills and creativity.
  • Show confidence in expressing themselves through art forms.
  • Appreciate cultural and artistic diversity.

Let this scheme serve as a foundation for building learners’ artistic potential and enjoyment of expressive arts!


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